Junyu Blog

Salvation lies within.

KMP Algorithm

about KMP Algorithm

In computer science, the Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm (or KMP algorithm) is a string-searching algorithm that searches for occurrences of a "word" W within ...

Clean White Theme for Hugo

How to set up this theme

Clean White Theme for Hugo CleanWhite is a clean, elegant, but fully functional blog theme for Hugo. Here is a live demo site using this theme. It is based on huxblog Jekyll Theme and Clean Blog Jekyll Theme. These two upstream projects have done awesome jobs to create a blog theme, what I’m doing here is porting it to Hugo, of which I like the simplicity and the much faster



Istio是来自Google,IBM和Lyft的一个Service Mesh(服务网格)开源项目,是Google继Kubernetes之后的又一大作,本文将演示如何从裸机开始从零搭建Istio及Bookinfo示例程序。